Sunday, January 23, 2011


I LOVE weekends... sleeping late, slouching around in jammies, playing on the internet, AND playing with paper.  Love playing with paper - I used to love fabric... sewed bunches of doll clothes back in the day.  Fun!  However, my interest has switched to paper for now.  Here is what I have been working on.  Gotta figure out how to photograph though... don't know much about lighting!    

Danny helped me color this kitty.  I thought he turned out cute.

The mess I make.... every time I stamp.  Thank goodness it is all downstairs.

A project from last year.... would be great in valentine colors. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Is this in the old play room? Looks fun! Glad to see you have a blog. I thought about making a diet blog but it would be the same thing over and over. "Monday breakfast I start, Monday lunch I quit.
